The Captivity Journey
الناشر: جمعية المعارف الإسلامية الثقافية
تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03
النسخة: 2010
شبكة المعارف الإسلامية
الناشر: جمعية المعارف الإسلامية الثقافية
تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03
النسخة: 2010
شبكة المعارف الإسلامية
and provided with accurate and deep analysis of such events whether having preceded, accompanied, or followed the tenth day of Mouharram , 61 He, is an essential introduction to pave the way to understanding the requisites of such renaissance, in addition to its circumstances, effects and results.
"Al-Fottouh" – Bin Al-Aatham Al-Kufi
The Aftermath of the Hussainy Epic, 61 A.H.
The Manifestation of the Divine Wrath after the Murder of Imam Hussain Q
the tents and started to rob whatever the ladies and children had on them. They even injured Lady Um Kalthoum’s ear while pulling an earring out of it. When they were done distributing the goods, they started ripping off the tents with their swords and set them on fire. Then, the daughter of the Prince of the believers O came out and said: "O Bin Saad, Allah shall be the Judge between us; He may prohibit you from our Grandfather’s intervention and shall not allow you to drink from his trough for what you have done to us and gave your orders to fight against the grandson of the Prophet P, with no mercy for his children or passion for his ladies…"
Just then Sayyeda Zeinab O came to him and said: "By Allah, he shall not be killed unless I am killed first! So stay away from him".
"Alas Muhammad this is Hussain thrown on the desert land, in the hot wind. He had been murdered by the sons of wrong doers. Alas how sad and distressed I am for you Aba Abdullah! Today, My Grandfather, Allah’s Prophet P, died". O Muhammad’s companions, here are the Pedigrees of Al-Mustafa treated like captives!!"
leaving the body of Imam Hussain Q and the bodies of his supporters.
Mukhtar took revenge from the killers of the Master of Martyrs Q.
the eleventh day of Muharram. They spent that night in one of the houses on the roads that were very close to Kufa or near its borders. Thus they entered Kufa on the twelfth day of Muharram during day light, which was an important publicity factor to shed the lights on their triumph and to show off their victory.
The Preparatory Measures of Bin Ziad for the Reception of the Rest of the Hussain Convoy
them with a faint voice, while the chain was around his neck and his hands were tied up: "These ladies are weeping! So, who did kill us?!"
She intended O from returning the charity of the people of Kufa to let the people know that the captives of this convoy are not ordinary people, indeed they are the family of the Messenger of Allah P, whom love and obedience were imposed by Allah (SW).
dung, or like silver on a dead body(1)! Oh how bad is what you made for yourselves, that brought Allah’s wrath upon you and you shall forever be in torment!
Thus people were puzzled and crying while had put their hands in their mouths.
The Speech of Um Kalthoum Bint Ali Q:
pledged to him your allegiance and you assured him with your lives, to then fight against him!
wickedness win and without it they cannot reach their evil objectives.
shall be proved wrong, and both are not us, thank God!"
Then he said: "didn’t God kill Ali Bin Hussain?!"
The Stance of Sayyeda Um Kalthoum in front of Bin Ziad
As for her redemption and sacrifice O they were embodied by her continuous willingness to die in the many situations where she was defending Hujjatu Allah(1), Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q.
Thus Sayyeda Zeinab O had replied to Bin Ziad’s claim that everything that happened to her family was of Allah’s (SW) doing by saying: "These are people that God had destined them to be killed" which means they were obeying the legitimate rule of Allah to rise against the Umayyad ruling, and if this uprising had lead to their martyrdom, they would have went to their resting places in compliance to the legitimate ruling.
The Burial of Imam Hussain Q and the Rest of the Martyrs
them to later send them back to jail; and that would have been their first night in jail where they stayed till the day Bin Ziad sent them to Yazeed.
at the cops in the battle field, but were not able to tell which one was of Imam Hussain Q since their heads were cut off and the sun had changed their skin color. While they were in that state, a knight came to them and when he reached them he said: "What is the matter?"
he put his cheek on the honorable neck and said: "Beatitude is for the land that contains your holy body, as after your demise this lower life is in total darkness, and the afterlife is glowing with your lights, thus the night is very long, and the grief is endless! Or God shall choose your family your home that you are residing in! I wish you peace O son of the Messenger of Allah with Allah’s mercy and blessings".
and amplified your happiness due to you sacrificing yourself for the sake of the son of the Prophet P"
So, when he heard what Bin Ziad had said he jumped on him and said: "O son of Murjana, Indeed the liar and the son of a liar are you and your father! And he who used you and his father! O enemy of Allah and his Messenger, Do you dare to kill the children of the prophets and then speak such words on the rostrum of the Muslims?!"
Shebith Bin Rubei, and a group of his friends, then he said to them: "Go to that blind man whom God had blinded his heart as he had blinded his eyes and bring him to me".
daughter said to him: "What a humiliation! They surrounded my father and no one to support him!"
Azd along with other tribes that had a social influence in Kufa and tried not to aggrevate them against him by not killing some of their leaders who were in allegiance to the Prophet’s progeny R.
Al-Mukhtar Al-Thaqafi Learned about the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain Q
have a tear in his eyes, they would hit his head with a spear! When we entered Damascus a person yelled: O people of Sham (old name for Damascus), these are the captives of the cursed family!"
take out the heads from between our rides and carry them away from us, as we are humiliated from all the looks we are getting while we are on this situation!"
The Festivals of Sham and the Suffering of the Family of the Prophet (peace be upon them)
The Hussain Convoy Heading to Sham
a way where only few people can see us, and ask them to take out the heads from between our rides and carry them away from us, as we are humiliated from all the looks we are getting while we are on this situation!"
Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q and the Old Man from Sham
family, who were talked about in the Purification verse…"
he wanted to spread sedition and division in the society. That is why we see that the man from Sham started his speech by expressing his thanks to God for killing the "outlaw" and finishing his family.
So, the cursed man said to him: "If you knew he is the best person why did you kill him?"
Al-Aslami who was one of the Prophet’s companions, he resided in Medina and then in Basra, so he said to him: "Woe to you O Yazeed, do you bat the mouth of Hussain Q, the son of Fatima O?! I do testify that I have seen the Prophet P kissing his mouth and that of his brother Hassan R while saying: You are both the Masters of the people of Heaven, God shall kill and curse your killer and prepare Jahannam (Hell) for him as it is the worst destiny".
Then, he turned to Abdu Al-Rahman and said: "Praised be Allah! Can you not be quiet! What do you have to do with this issue?!"
mother, and as for his saying: "my Grandfather is better than Yazeed’s grandfather" there is no one among the believers of Allah and the Judgment Day who would claim that he is better than Muhammad P, and for his saying: "I am better than Yazeed" I do swear he did not read the verse that says: (Say O Allah the Owner of Sovereignty)(1)"
Thus, Yazeed had added to these verses what shows his disbelief and his bad intention; it also exposes what is in his heart from disbelief and hatred towards the Messenger of Allah P and his progeny R:
knew he could never reach that, unless he wins this war.
and then Yazeed. Here they hear that these captives were captivated during a battle with an outlaw who rebelled against "the prince of believers"!
So, Yazeed said: "Indeed, this is exactly what I wanted to do…, O Ali Bin Al-Hussain (Whatever misfortune happens to you, is because of the things your hands have wrought(1))
Muawiya of his parents and ancestors and to make him aware of his father and grandfather’s reality: "O son of Muawiya, Hind and Sakhr, my fathers and ancestors had held the reign before you were even born, and my grandfather, Ali Bin Abi Taleb Q, was on the Days of Badre, Uhud, and Ahzab holding the flag of the Messenger of Allah P in his hand, while your father and your grandfather were holding the flags of the disbelievers in their hands".
The solid stance of the Imam Q and his stability during the assembly.
and not talk to anyone after finishing his noon prayer and say: "God I woke up this morning while praising you, thanking you, acclaiming you, and glorifying you by the count of the beads I am turning on my chaplet", then he used to hold the chaplet in his hands while speaking of whatever he wants, without saying the glorifying words, and he mentioned that it is all counted to him as good deed and it would protect him till he goes to bed. When he went to bed, he used to say the same thing and then put the chaplet under his head, so he would get all the good deeds as if he was repeating them till he gets up", so I only acted this way to follow the steps of my Grandfather P".
was there so he turned to Yazeed and said: "O prince of believers, who is this young man?"
that was not enough for you, till you brought the daughters of the Messenger of -Allah P from Iraq to Sham, and it was not enough either till you brought us here the way you bring slaves on rides with no saddles! Indeed no one killed my brother Al-Hussain Q but you, and if it was not for your orders, the son of Murjana would have never been able to kill him, since he has less men and he does not have the courage to do it. Did you not fear Allah for killing him when the Messenger of Allah P had said about him and his brother: "Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain are the masters of the youth in heaven among all people"? If you say "No", you would be lying, and if you say "Yes", you would have opposed yourself and admitted your bad mistake…"
The Speech of Sayyeda Zeinab O(1)
be husky due to their grief, you made them ride on weak camels, their enemies were yelling at them while taking them from one country to another, they were not cared for or sheltered. Everyone, near or far, was staring at them, they did not have any of their men to protect them. And how is it possible for someone to ask us not to hate him while he is looking at us with hatred, antagonism, implacability, and resentment, do you say: "I wish that my grandparents from Bader had witnessed…" without feeling guilty or sorry while batting the lips of Abu Abdu Allah in your parlor? Why wouldn’t you behave like this, when you have already poked the ulcers and cauterized the tumor by shedding the blood of the pedigree of the Messenger of Allah P and the earth’s stars from the family of Abdu Al-Muttaleb, you will soon go back to Allah as they did, and then you would wish if you had been blinded or muted before you said: "They would have cheered and shouted happily". O God, do punish them for our rights, and take our revenge from those who have wronged us. I swear to God, you only abraded your skin, and did not cut but your own flesh, you will surely, despite your will, be brought in front of the Messenger of Allah P, his family, and his supporters in Heaven, on the Day when Allah will reunite them after having been scattered, and that is the saying of Allah the Exalted, the Almighty: "Think not of those who are killed in the Way of Allah as dead, but indeed they are alive, finding their sustenance in the presence of their Lord.(1)" Thus, the one who enabled you to rule the believers shall know, especially if the Judge is Allah, your opponent is Muhammad P, and your limbs are the witnesses against you, this is the worst ending for the wrong doers, he shall know who of both of you is in a weaker position with less supporters. Even though, I swear to God O enemy of Allah and the son of His enemy, I do not
(1) Surat Al-Imran, verse: 169
have any respect for you even to reprimand you, but the fact is that the eyes are tearful, and the hearts are sorrow and all this does not make up for our loss, as Al-Hussain Q was killed, and the party of Satan is handing us over to the party of fools to be rewarded from the Money of Allah for rending the sanctities of Allah! As these hands are soaked with our blood, these mouths are fed from our flesh, and those blessed corpses are being eaten by the wild animals. So, if you consider this a victory for you, you would indeed be gaining a chastisement at the time when you do not find but what your hands had already committed, you would cry for help from the son of Murjana and he would cry for your help as well, you and your followers will howl for each other at the weighing scale, where you would find that the best provision Muawiya had provided you is your killing of Muhammad’s Q Pedigree. Indeed, I have only feared Allah, and to him only is my compliant. So, plot your machination, strive all you want, and do your best, but, By Allah, you would never be able to eradicate the disgrace you earned for what you did to us. And Thank God for sealing the ending of the Masters of heavens with happiness and forgiveness so that He enjoined them to go to Heaven. I do ask Allah to elevate their ranks, and to enjoin them with many of His Merit, as He is the Powerful Protector".
him with each and every word of the hits of Thu Al-Fiqar (Imam Ali’s sword) between the hands of the Messenger of Allah Q, and between the poetry he recited by announcing that the outcry is a good one among others! And that it is easy to weep over catastrophes! Indeed it is a failed attempt of a muted person to hide behind gloating.
Sayyeda Zeinab O said: "By the religion of my God, my Father and my brother you were guided along with your grandfather and father that is if you are a Muslim!"
caused things to turn against Yazeed Bin Muawiya. This is what Sayyeda Sukaina, the daughter of Imam Hussain Q, did when she presented to the people that these captives are from the family of Muhammad P in order to control the media’s poisoned atmosphere.
Q yelled at him saying: "Woe to you O speaker, did you buy the approval of the creature with the exasperation of the Creator! Do await your place in Hell then". Then He Q said: "O Yazeed, allow me to climb up these sticks to say few words that would please God and grant these people good reward and compensation…"
and lineage. O people, I am the son of Mecca and Mena, I am the son of Zamzam and Safa, I am the son of who carried the Zakat within his clothes, I am the son of the best person who ever wore clothes, I am the son of the best person who wore shoes or walked barefooted, I am the son of the best person who performed Tawaf and Saei (duties of Hajj) I am the son of the best person to perform Hajj and answer the call of Allah, I am the son of the person who rode on Buraq (special horse) in space, I am the son of the one who travelled at night from the Sacred Mosque to the Aqsa Mosque, Praised be who made him travel, I am the son of he who travelled with Gabriel till he reached Sudrat Al-Montaha (special tree in the seventh heaven), I am the son of who approached and came close, and was at a distance of the length of two bows or even nearer, I am the son of who had led the prayer for the angels of the skies, I am the son of the person whom Al-Jaleel (The Exalted) had revealed to him the revelation, I am the son of Muhammad Al-Mustafa, I am the son of Ali Al-Murtada, I am the son of who fought the people till they admitted that there is no God but Allah (believed in God), I am the son of he who fought before the Messenger of Allah with two swords, stabbed with two spears, migrated two times, pledge allegiance in both times, prayed towards the two Qiblah, fought in Bader and Honain, and did not ever disbelieve in God not even for a glance, I am the son of the best of believers, the heir of Prophets, the suppressor of infidels, the Chief of Muslims, the light of fighters (Mujahedeen), and the beauty of worshipers, the crown of the weepers (out of fear of Allah), the most patient of all, and the best one of the family of Yaseen, the Messenger of the Lord of the worlds, I am the son of who is assisted by Gabriel, and supported by Michael, I am the son of the defender of the Muslims’ sanctities, the killer of the promise breakers, the cheaters and the hypocrites, who
strove against his eminent enemies, the best person ever to walk among all of Quraish people, the first believer to answer and respond to the call of Allah, the first of the first believers, the crusher of the aggressors, the demolisher of the polytheists, an arrow of the bows of Allah against the hypocrites, the speaker for the wisdom of the worshipers, the supporter for Allah’s religion, the guardian for Allah’s orders, the garden for Allah’s wisdom, the vantage point for Allah’s knowledge, pliable and generous, smiley, pure and the outgoing, pleasing and pleased by God, brave and courageous, patient who fasts during the days, polite who stays up late to pray, valiant and giving, the backs’ breaker, the parties divider, who has the bravest heart of all, who has the utmost self control of all, who does not speak too soon, with the strongest determination of all, the most powerful of all, a valiant lion, a torrential raining storm, who grinds his enemies in a close compact where swords and riding horses join together the way that a quern would grind the wheat, then he will toss them the way the wind would throw ashes in the air, the lion of Hijaz, the owner of miracles, the ram of Iraq, he is an Imam stated in the authentic text and by worthiness, from Mecca and Medina, from Bathaa and Tuham, from Khaifa and Aqaba, from Bader and Uhud, among the people of the Shajara (Tree treaty) and the migrants, among the Arab he is the leader and the lion of the battles, the heir of the poets, the father of the two grandsons Hassan and Hussain, the presenter of wonders, the splitter of troops, the shooting star, the dominant light, the victorious lion of God, the desideratum of every seeker, and the predominant of every dominant, that is my grandfather, Ali Bin Abi Taleb.
of all women, I am the son of the pure Batoul(23), I am the son of the daughter of the Prophet, I am the son of Ali Al-Murtada, I am the son of Fatima Al-Zahra, I am the son of Khadija Al-Kubra, I am the son of the one who was unjustly murdered, I am the son of the one who is slaughtered from the back, I am the son of the one who was thirsty till he died, I am the son of the fallen in Karbala, I am the son of the one whose turban and clothes were plundered, I am the son of who was cried over by the angels of the skies, I am the son of who was wept for by the Jinn in the ground and the birds in the air, I am the son of whose head was given as a present on spears, I am the son of whose women were captivated and brought from Iraq to Sham, O people, indeed Allah the Almighty, and thank is to him, had tested us, Ahlu El-Bayt, with a good test by placing the banner of guidance, just and pious with us, and had placed the banner for deception and killing on others…"
you claim he is your grandfather, then you would have lied, and if you say he is my grandfather, so why did you kill his progeny?"
and …, till he lists many of their traits that shows some of their merits and virtues to have a stronger impact on people, as this what had happened indeed.
Thus Yazeed did not find an escape other than to recourse to the muezzin by using the call for prayer as an excuse, as he had known from the beginning that if the Imam Q would climb the rostrum, he Q would turn things against him, but he did not know that he might reach to this level, otherwise he would have never allowed it.
women, the best person of all human after Muhammad is being cursed publicly on the rostrums, our enemy is being granted money and dignity, and he who loves us has become disgraced and taken advantage of, as the situation of the believers, and the non-Arabs became respectful of Arabs since Muhammad was from them, and Quraish has become proud over the Arab since Muhammad was from it, and the Arab are paying respect to Quraish since Muhammad was from it, and the Arabs are proud over the non Arab since Muhammad was from them, and we, being the family of the Prophet, no one knows our right!! So, this is how we have become O Menhal".
to you, how did you decide that my father had killed the believers?"
that he had said: "Ali Bin Al-Hussain Q was brought to Yazeed Bin Muawiya along with the women who were with him as captives, so they put them in a house and they put some non-Arab people, who do not speak Arabic, to guard them. So they said to each other: they have put us in this house to have it fall on us and kill us all in it. Then Ali Bin Al-Hussain Q said to the guards in their language: do you know what these ladies are saying? They are saying this and that…, so the guards said: they told us that you are going to be taken out tomorrow to be killed, so Ali Bin Al-Hussain Q said: no indeed, Allah will never allow that, then he approached them and started teaching them using their language".
Yazeed did send after the lady captives of the prophetic house R and said to them: "Which one do you prefer, to stay in my castle, or go back to Medina? And you shall be rewarded generously!"
R was stirred up, so they started to cry, they slapped their faces, threw sand over their heads and they started to howl. Yazeed heard their howling and crying and said: "What’s wrong?" it was said to him: "it is the young daughter of Al-Hussain Q, she saw her father in her sleep and woke up crying, howling and asking for him". When Yazeed heard that he said sarcastically: "take her father’s head to her and put it in front of her, so she would be comforted!", so they brought the head on a plate while covered with a veil, and they placed it before her, so she said: "Hey you, I asked for my father and not for food!", so they said: "your father is in there". She lifted the veil and saw a head and said: "whose head is that?" they said: "it is the head of your father" so she raised the head, held it close to her chest and said: "O father, who had pigmented your face with your blood? O father, who had cut off your veins, O father, who made an orphan of me even though I am still young, O father, who is going to take care of the orphan till she grows up? O father, who is going to comfort the grieving ladies, O father, who is going to help the captivated widows, O father, who is going wipe the tearing eyes? O father, who is going to protect the lonely and lost ladies, O father, who is going to take care of us after your depart? O what a disappointment! O father, who is to protect us after you, how lonely is it going to be after your depart! O father, I wish I had been sacrificed for your sake, O father, I wish I was blinded before this day, O father, I wish I was dead rather than seeing your grey hair pigmented with blood".
their crying from the people of Sham, as it was not seen on that day anyone, man or woman, but was crying.
In addition, blaming the responsibility on Bin Ziad and cursing him was nothing but a false stand that it was soon compromised by the big reward that Yazeed had given to Bin Ziad for his killing of Imam Hussain Q, and by him spending nights with Bin Ziad in the castle while drinking wine and celebrating.
The Medina of the Prophet
So, Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q said: "rather you send me back to my home country..".
So he did. And they held memorial processions in the land of Taff for three consecutive days, and accordingly it became a good tradition that continued from that time until now.
O city of our Grandfather do not welcome us,
Thus, Sayyeda Um Salama was not the only one who had narrated the news about Gabriel’s bringing the soil of Imam Hussain Q to his Grandfather the Great Messenger P, but there were many people who had narrated that story and the Prince of believers Ali Q was on the top of the list:
it, and its red color became a sign that the tragedy had came true.
more than my father and mother O Messenger of Allah, what is that?" he said: "This is the blood of Al-Hussain and his companions, I am still collecting it since this day".
that was his habit, rather than seeing this happens to him. But what should we do to who had drawn his sword wanting to kill us? We had no choice but to defend ourselves".
sign of grief) openly, in front of the general public and inside the Prophet’s mosque.
The Role of the Daughters of Aqeel
of their mother… their birth city…and the home land for their beloved ones, how hard is it to enter it while being in such condition. They had left with Imam Hussain Q and today they are back without Al-Hussain Q…
Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q dispatches Bashir Bin Haltham
O people of Yathrib, you should not stay here,
distressful, burdening and severe calamities.
Then Imam Zein El-Abedeen stood up and walked towards the Medina to enter it.
", then she was always sad with her tears never drying. She did not stop crying and weeping, and whenever she looked at Ali Bin Al-Hussain, her grief would renew and her pain would increase.
Thus the ladies of the Hashim’s family wore black and sackcloth(1) and they did not complain of hot or cold. Imam Ali Bin Al-Hussain Q used to prepare the funeral food for them.
It was narrated that Imam Jaafar Bin Mohammad Q had said: "Al-Hussain Bin Ali was mourned for one whole year every day and night; and for three years from the day of the tragedy…"
This indicates the depth of the grief of the Hashim’s family and how they were keen to mourn the Master of martyrs Q. They had passionately grieved and longed for him, and they kept on doing that as a way to keep remembering Abu Abdu Allah Q and as continuation of his approach.
Rewarding the Guards
The daughters of Ali had thanked all the people who had took care of them while in their way from Sham to Medina. And there was a guard who had always asked how they were doing, was nice to them in all the conditions, and did not make the journey hard for them till they arrived to Medina. So Fatima, the daughter of Ali, said to her sister Zeinab O: "This man was nice to us, so would you give him a reward?" So she O said: "By Allah, we do not have anything to reward him with except for these jewelry". so she said: "kindly do then".
So they grabbed for him two bracelets and two bangles
(1) Mourning clothes: clothes made from sackcloth, formerly worn as a sign of mourning or penitence.
and sent it to him, but he returned them and said: "If I had done what I did for the sake of this worldly life, I would have accepted what is much less than that, but I swear to God, I had only did it for the sake of Allah, and because of your kinship with the Messenger of Allah P".
delivered to her the death news of her four sons after he came to Medina, she used to ask about Imam Hussain Q, so when he told her about the death of her four sons, she said: "Indeed you had torn the veins of my heart, my children along with everyone under the sky are all a sacrifice for the sake of Abu Abdul Allah Al-Hussain Q"
The Continuous Crying of Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q and his Grief
was asked about his excessive crying so he said: "Indeed Jacob did lose one of Sebt of his sons, so he kept crying over him till his eyes turned white that is while his son was still alive in this world and did not know for sure that he was dead, but I did see my father and seventeen ones of my family all killed in one hour, so do you expect for their grief to leave my heart?..".
1 - Confirming the aspect of Imamate: Thus the oppressive authority wanted to see everything settled down after the killing of Imam Hussain Q, but Imam Zein El-Abedeen Q with the role he played, had proofed that the Imamate is something that is more powerful than the determination of humans, and that it is a divine commandment that is guarded and protected by a special divine care.
saw the head of Oubayd Allah, he prostrated to God and said: "Thank God, who had answered my prayer and took my revenge from the killers of my father". Then he prayed for Al-Mukhtar and rewarded him.
him that he should separate her from the people. Then he gave his orders to her to leave the Medina and reside wherever she wants, so she said: "Allah had known what happened to us, the best one of us was killed, and we were driven from town to town like they do with herds, and we were forced to ride on the camels’ backs, So By Allah, I would never leave even if they kill me".