The Human Caravan

الناشر: دار السراج للثقلفة والنشر

تاريخ الإصدار: 2018-03

النسخة: 1437


Sheikh Akram Barakat, PhD.


 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Let Allah’s blessing and peace be upon our master Muhammad (pbuh&hh), upon his purified and virtuous household and chosen companions, upon all the prophets and messengers of Allah, and upon the martyrs and saints (the people of truth).
In my readings of the writings of Imam Khomeini (RIP), his passion in writing the stories of the prophets attracted my attention knowing that he lacked the chance to do so [due to his busy schedule]. For instance, Imam Khomeini (RIP) had to write them in the form that harmonized with his methodological reading (understanding) of Allah, religion, and humanity.
A few words of one of the notable scholars brought to my attention the presence of a



 progressive course of the prophets throughout history. This issue invited my attempt to draw such course in a scientific and acceptable form. Each time I discovered a witness concerning such course, I would add it to a group of sheets that I treasured until the picture of the sketch of the human society completed. Hence, I named it the human caravan. I simply wanted to express the sketch as a being of a motivated non-solid society.

However, the completed figuration of such sketch contained two kinds of thoughts. One kind contained the investigative convincing testimony. The other kind remained in the zone of reasonable doubt without containing a testimony like the previous form.
I presented this image in my speech that I addressed to the people inside Al Qaem Mosque, after which I expanded it in the form of a scientific workshop. Next, I dressed it with words as part of the series of Al Qaem pulpit sermons to become a matter that is prone to expansion and increase of investigation by the notable scholars. I beseech the Exalted Lord to accept my effort.
Akram Barakat
Beirut, Lebanon


The Secret behind Creation

 The Secret behind Creation

Why Allah Created the World?
The answer fountains from understanding the qualities of Allah the Exalted such as wisdom, placing the right object in its right place. It is determined that Allah remains exalted above such placement due to qualities from which the Holy Entity remains exalted such as ignorance, incapacity and stinginess. All these qualities do not apply to Allah the Exalted based on the conclusive intellectual evidence.
Because such intellect leads us to the conviction that He is Wise, it also leads us to the question behind the secret of His wisdom in creating the creation.
The answer must harmonize with the rest of His qualities including Omni-richness, which indicates needlessness. Consequently, the 


The Secret behind Creation

 wisdom behind creating the creation must refer to the very creatures, to their own interests, as long as there is no benefit that refers to Allah the Omni-rich.

On these grounds, the answer to the secret behind creation may lurk in one word, «perfection.» Hence, He created them (the creatures) for their own perfection.
The creatures can reach their perfection in two ways:
Firstly: The coercive perfection. For example, the planets are perfect in their coercive movement. The sun rays, the moon lights, and the earth rotates. The angels are perfect in their praise, dedication, ascendance and arrangement. The soil is perfect when seeded and planted like the sperm that integrates into an egg that integrates into a hatchling. The hatchling integrates into an eagle that flies through the skies, etc…

Secondly: The selective perfection with man as its most sublime example. Allah the Exalted, in creating the humans, wishes that they integrate (reach perfection) as they advance with a selective volition.


The Secret behind Creation

 There is no doubt that the selective and integrative progression remains more sublime than the forceful and coercive integration.

Human integration can be clearly manifested through the human individual by perfecting the relationship with the absolute perfection [Allah the Exalted]. Therefore, the more he approaches Him the more he increases magnificence in his perfection.
This perfection can be achieved by any person regardless of the conditions that he/she experiences or the environment that he/she witnesses. One stark example was the wife of Pharaoh, who was the lady of his castle. Her faith faced two substantial issues:
Firstly: Giving up the bliss that she was living.
Secondly- Facing the torture of Pharaoh who enslaved the people. In such extremely difficult situation, Asia Bint Muzahim (Pharaoh’s wife) insisted on her faith and purification despite the fact that she was stretched, tied to four stakes in order to experience the horrific torture. Nevertheless, she lasted with steadfastness. Therefore, Allah the Exalted presented her as an example when He said, «And Allah presents an


The Secret behind Creation

 example of those who believed: the wife of Pharaoh, when she said, «My Lord, build for me near You a house in Paradise and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds and save me from the wrongdoing people.»(1)

Therefore, no one can claim that there is an obstacle which hinders man from marching towards his individual perfection.

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 66, verse 11.


The Secret behind Creation

We come to the following question:
Does human integration confine to individual perfection? Alternatively, can there be another perfection that links to the human caravan?
In other words: 
Can there be a divine projection concerning the human course that can lead the human society to a conclusion that might be categorized by an integrative description which harmonizes with the wisdom of Allah the Exalted?
We must try understand the aim behind the divine answer in the dialogue that took place between Allah the Exalted and the angels who asked Him protesting, «Will You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds blood, while we declare Your praise and sanctify You?»(1) Allah said, «Indeed, I know that which you do not know.» Allah 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 30.


The Secret behind Creation

 said, «Indeed, I know that which you do not know.»(1)

Therefore, does this issue mean that the future pages of the history of humanity will end with a white and brilliant conclusion after the pitch-black darkness?
This question with its diversified phrases makes our next discussion concerning the divine prognosis of the human caravan.

(1) Same previous source.


The Secret behind Creation

 Guides to Perfection

Can man alone identify the way which if he takes will achieve his perfection without asking the help of another issue outside his own capacities?
Can man with his instinct, senses and intellect recognize the way towards perfection for the purpose of ascendance?
When we contemplate the capabilities of man as well as the way to perfection that he must take while harmonizing between the soul and body, the individual and community, life in its entirety and the afterlife, we can clearly understand that he is incapable of knowing such way. Therefore, the wisdom of Allah, Who created man for the purpose of taking the way to perfection, necessitated that He shows him the signposts of such way and that He guides him to these marks. This issue occurs either by the divine instruction 


The Secret behind Creation

 of man or by choosing a human mediator whom Allah the Exalted shows the landmarks of this way and makes him His ambassador to the rest of his slaves. We call such ambassador «the Prophet.»






The Prophets

 The Prophets

The Prophets of Allah (pbut) are His ambassadors to the people. They show them how they must march on the way to their perfection.
In this context, Allah the Exalted sent one hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets in order to fulfill this mission, as confirmed by the prophetic tradition. For instance, it was reported that Abu Zar had asked the Noblest Prophet (pbuh&hh): O messenger of Allah, how many are the Prophets? The Prophet (pbuh&hh) said: «One hundred thousand and twenty-four thousand prophets.»(1)

(1) AS-SADDOUQ, Muhammad, Ma’ani Al-Akhbar (News Meanings), reviewed by Ali Akbar Al-Ghafari, printing edition unknown, Qum, Mo’assasat an-Nashr Al-Islami (Publishing House), 1379 AH, p. 333.


The Prophets

 The Mutual Aims of the Prophets (PBUT)

The prophets (pbut) maintain mutual aims to which they wish to guide the people. One part relates to teaching, one part relates to self-cultivation, and other part relates to the righteous work. However, all these aims relate to one noble purpose for which the Prophets (pbut) were sent. All these aims are considered as a prelude, which is the peoples’ knowledge of Allah the Exalted and that the world should be manifested in its real form, not the form that we understand.
In order to achieve this aim, the prophets held two main tasks:
Firstly: Saving the people from being captivated by the soul and by their own volition.
Secondly: Freeing the people and the victimized 



The Prophets

 from the control of the tyrants.(1)

Based on the foregoing, the different tasks that were going to be assigned to the prophets- which may play as an orbit of precedence among them- are rather the surpluses of such mutual goals. Moreover, the defined function of certain prophets comes in the sense of focusing on the mission, not in the sense of restriction.

(1) Refer to: Al-Khomeini, Ruhullah, Manhajiyat Ath-Thawra Al-Islamiyah (the Islamic revolution methodology - excerpts from the thoughts and opinions of Imam Khomeini), prepared and published by Mo’assasat Tanthim wa Nashr Turath Al-Imam Al-Khomeini, second edition, Tehran, 2006, Ps. 48-51.


The Prophets

 The Messengers

The Prophets’ guidance to the way of the human perfection necessitates the existence of a message that simply explains the roadmap leading to perfection. Allah the Exalted assigned some of his prophets with the divine messages whereas gave the rest of the prophets (pbut) the task of guidance and direction to these messages.
Allah the Exalted gave to the prophets who were assigned with the messages the title «Messengers.» They were the ones about whom Abu Zar asked the messenger of Allah in the previous story: How many messengers are amongst them? The Prophet (pbuh&hh) said: «Three hundred and thirteen crowds.»(1)

(1) AS-SADDOUQ, Muhammad, Ma’ani al-Akhbar (News Meanings), p. 333.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 Those of Determination among the Messengers

Among the messengers, Allah the Exalted gave special title to five of them, «Those of Determination,» which can be read in the Quran. Allah the Exalted said, «So be patient, [O Muhammad], as were those of determination among the messengers...»(1) Allah’s messenger Muhammad (pbuh&hh) counted them (including himself) saying, «The Prophets… among them are five of determination.»(2) Imam Al-Baqir (pbuh) defined five names saying, «Those of determination among the messengers are five: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon all of them.»(3)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 46, verse 35.
(2) AL-KULAINI, Muhammad, Al-Kafi (The Sufficient), reviewed by Ali Akbar Al-Ghafari, fourth edition, Tehran, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Islamiyah (Publishing House), 1365 AH, vol. 1, p. 224.
(3) AS-SADDOUQ, Muhammad, Al-Khisal (The Qualities), reviewed by Ali Akbar Al-Ghafari, publishing edition unknown, Qum, Jama’at Al-Modarriseen (publishing house), 1403 AH, p. 300.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 The Secret of 

«Those of Determination»
We learned earlier the difference between the prophets (pbut) and the messengers (pbut). However, what is the difference between those of determination and the remaining messengers?
Does the difference exist in the word determination as it means, intending to conclude the issue with a strong solid will? Alternatively, does it come in the sense of endurance?
Do all the messengers enjoy such quality?
It is certain that all messengers can be found determined with these two previously mentioned meanings. Therefore, we must search for a deeper meaning of the words «Those of determination.»
In order to understand the profound meaning we must ask support of the tradition that explains 


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 the meaning of «Those of determination among the messengers.» Three reasons were presented concerning the secret behind naming them with such words.

First Reason: They are the Founders of Laws
This explanation was reported in a story quoted from Imam ar-Ridah (pbuh), «They were simply named ‘those of determination’ because they were the determined founders of laws.»(1)

Second Reason: They are Universal
It was reported that when Imam as-Sadiq (pbuh) was asked about the meaning of «Those of Determination,» he said, «They were sent to the east and west of the earth, its jinn and its men.»(2)

(1) AL-HORR AL-’AMILY, Muhammad Bin Al-Hassan, Al-Fusul Al-Muhimmah Fee Usul Al-Aemmah (The Important Chapters Regarding the Origins of the Imams), reviewed by Muhammad Al-Qaeeini, first edition, Qum, Mo’assasat Ma’arif Islami (publishing house), 1418 AH, vol. 1, p. 428.
(2) Al-MUFID, Muhammad, Al-Mazar, second edition, inspected by Muhammad Baqir Al-Abtahi, Beirut, Dar Al-Mufid (publishing house), 1414 AH, p. 42.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 Third Reason: They are the Pivotal Movement of Humanity

This explanation was reported in a recognized story quoted from Imam as-Sadiq (pbuh). It reads, «The masters of the prophets and messengers are five. They are those of determination among the messengers, the milestone of tribulations: Noah (pbuh), Abraham (pbuh), Moses (pbuh), Jesus (pbuh), and Muhammad may peace be upon him, his household, and all the prophets.»(1)
His words «the milestone of tribulations» refer to the fact that they were the main axis of the movement of the human caravan. Such caravan of humanity coupled with its history and future can be figured through the events and can be figured through its heroes and their adversaries. The holy Quran presented the history of mankind through the prophets (pbut) and their adversaries.
The holy Quran focused on the messengers among the prophets. However, the magnified focus was on those of determination among the messengers considering that their stages

(1) AL-KULAINI, Muhammad Bin Ya’coub, al-Kafi (The Sufficient), vol. 1, p. 175.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 represented the key stations in the history of mankind.

Noah (pbuh) was the first among those of determination. This issue means that the key stations which the holy Quran presented began with the second generation of mankind, which was abroad the ark that was saved from the drowning of the world. Consequently, the first of the stations was the station of the prophet and messenger of Allah, Noah (pbuh) who was the first among those of determination.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 Prophet Noah (PBUH)

The Messenger of the First Station
What was the main issue through which Allah the Exalted wished that His messenger Noah (pbuh) achieve in his long life considering his age?
In other words: What kind of cultural environment did Prophet Noah (pbuh) experience? What was the qualitative leap that he wanted to apply to such community?
The holy Quran explains to us that the community of Prophet Noah (pbuh) denied any communication between Allah the Exalted and the people via a human apostle. Therefore, the communication of such society with Allah was completely severed. Allah the Exalted said, «And We had certainly sent Noah to his people, and he said, ‘O my people, worship Allah; you have no deity other than Him; then will you not fear Him?’ But the eminent 


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 among those who disbelieved from his people said, «This is not but a man like yourselves who wishes to take precedence over you; and if Allah had willed [to send a messenger], He would have sent down angels. We have not heard of this among our forefathers.»(1)

The meaning of this verse informs us that the problem of the people of prophet Noah (pbuh) was neither in their belief in Allah the Exalted nor in the acceptance of the original communication between Allah the Exalted and man. Instead, it was in the fact that the medium of such communication was being simply a human being like them. Therefore, their haughtiness prevented them from such embracement and they with this attitude of theirs likened Satan who did not have a problem in his belief in Allah the Exalted or in his prostration before Him. Instead, it was in the prostration before the human being where Satan believed that he was a better creature than he is.
Prophet Noah (pbuh) tried repeatedly to start a connection between the people and their Lord via the human messenger. However, those guided by his invitation were very few.

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 23, verses 23-24.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 The holy Quran explains that the issue reached the level of desperation concerning the religiousness of the rest of the people other than those whose belief had proceeded. Therefore, Allah the Exalted inspired Noah (pbuh) to make the ark of salvation in order to save those aboard from the greatest flood. Allah the Exalted said, «And it was revealed to Noah that, «No one will believe from your people except those who have already believed, so do not be distressed by what they have been doing. And construct the ship under Our observation and Our inspiration and do not address Me concerning those who have wronged; indeed, they are [to be] drowned.»(1)

Yes, prophet Noah (pbuh) managed to build a community that believed in communication between Allah the Exalted and the people via the human messenger. However, it was a community that fitted with its small size the Ark of Noah.
First Station
Its Leader Prophet Noah (pbuh)
Its Quintessence Finding the faithful community that believes in communication with Allah via the messengers

 (1) The holy Quran, chapter 11, verses 36-37.



Those of Determination among the Messengers

 Prophet Abraham (PBUH)

The Messenger of the Second Station
After the departure of Allah’s messenger Noah (pbuh), several human societies deviated from the path of a healthy relationship with Allah the Exalted to the point of paganism. Consequently, Allah the Exalted sent His prophet Abraham (pbuh) to execute a main task, building a monotheistic community with a belief that the worshiped is solely Allah the Exalted, the one and only.
Allah the Exalted said, «And We had certainly given Abraham his sound judgement before, and We were of him well-Knowing. When he said to his father and his people, ‘What are these statues to which you are devoted?’ They said, ‘We found our fathers worshippers of them.’ He said, ‘You were certainly, you and your fathers, in manifest error.’ They said, ‘Have you come to us with truth, or are you of those who jest?’ He said, ‘[No], rather, your Lord is the Lord 


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 of the heavens and the earth who created them, and I, to that, am of those who testify’.»(1)

Allah’s prophet Abraham (pbuh) managed to build a monotheistic community that believed in Allah the Exalted and rejected paganism and idols. The monotheistic community manifested through the children of the friend of Allah, Abraham (pbuh) through whom Allah the Exalted answered Abraham’s call. The holy Quran describes this call reading, «And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham said, ‘My Lord, make this city [Makkah] secure and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols’.»(2)
From this Abrahamian station and from the loin of prophet Abraham (pbuh) the children of the true religion that unifies Allah the Exalted were born from the children of Ismail (pbuh). Moreover, the society of the children of Israel that unified Allah the Exalted was also born from the children of Isaac (pbuh), a community that suffered tribulations and trials leading to a situation of enslavement at the time of Pharaoh. Consequently, Allah the Exalted sent a prophet 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 21, verses 51-56.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 14, verse 35.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 to save them from their trial and to become the leader of the third station. This was the messenger of Allah, Moses (pbuh).

Second Station
Its Leader Prophet Abraham (pbuh)
Its Quintessence Building the monotheistic society.





Those of Determination among the Messengers

 Prophet Moses (PBUH)

The Messenger of the Third Station
After crossing the station of communication with Allah the Exalted via the human messenger to the station of the monotheistic society, Allah the Exalted wished that the society progresses towards a third station, where the monotheistic society would develop into a society of legislation, the members of which should live under the umbrella of the divine law. The leader of such station was the messenger of Allah, Prophet Moses (pbuh).
At this point, one can notice the Quranic emphasis on the role of the book, the tablets, and the messages at the time of the station of Prophet Moses (pbuh). One can read this issue in the following verses:
«And We certainly gave Moses the Scripture that 


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 perhaps they would be guided.»(1)

«Then We gave Moses the Scripture, making complete [Our favor] upon the one who did good and as a detailed explanation of all things and as guidance and mercy that perhaps in [the matter of] the meeting with their Lord they would believe.»(2)
«And We gave Moses the Scripture and made it a guidance for the Children of Israel...»(3)
«And We wrote for him on the tablets [something] of all things - instruction and explanation for all things...»(4)
«[Allah] said, ‘O Moses, I have chosen you over the people with My messages and My words [to you]’...»(5)
«And We had certainly given Moses the Scripture, but it came under disagreement. And if not for a word that preceded from your Lord, it would have been judged between them. And indeed they are, concerning the Qur’an, in disquieting doubt.»(6)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 23, verse 49.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 6, verse 154.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 17, verse 2.
(4) The holy Quran, chapter 7, verse 145.
(5) The holy Quran, chapter 7, verse 144.
(6) The holy Quran, chapter 11, verse 110.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 At this point, one realizes that the Jewish society, despite the distortion that struck their holy books, is distinguished by its care for the legislative aspects concerning its individuals.


Third Station
Its Leader Prophet Moses (pbuh)
Its Quintessence Building the legislative society.





Those of Determination among the Messengers

 The Fourth Station

Prophet Jesus (PBUH) and Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh)
Once the human society ascended form the station of believing in communication between Allah the Exalted and the people via the human messenger to the station of believing in the oneness of Allah the Exalted and afterwards to the station of the legislative society, there existed another station, which Allah the Exalted planned for the human community, and to which it must progresses. What is the next station?
This is the station of the universal divine government. This brings us to the question: When will this station, which is regarded as the conclusion of the stations through which the human caravan will reach its peak of completion, be achieved?
The holy Quran answers this question reading, 


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 «The Jews say, «Ezra is the son of Allah «; and the Christians say, «The Messiah is the son of Allah.» They have taken their scholars and monks as lords besides Allah, and [also] the Messiah, the son of Mary. And they were not commanded except to worship one God; there is no deity except Him. Exalted is He above whatever they associate with Him.

They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah refuses except to perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it. It is He who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although they who associate others with Allah dislike it.»(1)
These verses report that the aim why Allah the Exalted sent His messenger Muhammad (pbuh&hh) was to manifest it over all religions. Consequently, the doctrine of this religion would rule over the societies leading to the accomplishment of the glorious divine government.
However, it is evident that such prophecy has not been accomplished at the time of the seal of the prophets, Muhammad Bin Abdullah (pbuh&hh). This issue means that the religion of Muhammad (pbuh&hh), which is Islam, will be the religion of 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 9, verses 31-33.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 the divine universal government in the absence of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh) in person.


The Noblest Prophet (pbuh&hh) confirmed this issue when he spoke of the determinism of the conclusion of the human caravan concerning its perfection. However, it is yet to come.
The Prophet (pbuh&hh) said, «If one day remains from [the life of] this world Allah the Exalted would extend such day until a man of my own progeny emerges in order to fill it with justice and equity like it has been filled with injustice and wrongness.»(1)
Therefore, the fourth station is the Muhammadanism of the religion led by Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA)(2). The question remaining concerns the role of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) who is the fourth messenger among those of determination. Based on the previous logic sequence, Jesus (PBUH) was supposed to be the leader of the station (era) when the divine government will be established.

(1) AS-SADDOUQ, Muhammad, Kamal Ad-Dean wa Tamam An-Ne’mah (Perfection of Religion and Completion of Grace), reviewed by Ali Akbar Al-Ghafari, Publishing edition unknown, Qum, Mo’assasat An-Nashr Al-Islami (publishing house), 1405 AH, p. 318.
(2) MAEHA: May Allah the Exalted expedite his advent.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 The issue that enhanced such assumption was that he focused his message, invitation and reformative movement on the Jewish community, the society of the doctrine that lived the third station. However, the Jewish rabbis stopped his movement from succeeding and prevented him from reaching his aim.

The question is: What was Allah’s secret in ascending his messenger Jesus the son of Mary (pbut) although his role was yet to conclude the fourth station, the divine government?
In fact, He raised him to Himself in order to initiate his descent at the time of the leader of such station, Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA), in order to support him and partner with him in order to establish the divine universal government. The tradition of Islam confirmed this issue when the Messenger of Allah (pbuh&hh) was reported to have said, «Jesus the son of Mary descends… with a spear in his hand… kills the impostor (Antichrist), collects the tax of Al-Qaem (The Guide One) behind whom the people of the cave march. Moreover, he will be the right hand of Al-Qaem as well as his receptionist and deputy.»(1)

(1) AL-BAHRANI, Hashim, Ghayat Al-Muram (Utmost Wish), inspected by Ali Aashour, publishing edition unknown, publisher unknown, publishing date unknown, vol. 7, p. 93.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 In this form, the glorious divine government will mature at the hand of the Ismailian grandson of Abraham supported by his Isaacian grandson.

I wonder about the link of this issue to the term «Paraclete»(1), which was translated in Arabic as «The Comforter,» which also applies to Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh). For instance, the Bible reports:
- «And I ask the Father to give you another comforter; in order to stay with you forever.»(2)
«- On the arrival of the comforter whom I will send to you from the father, the Holy Spirit from the father; He is my witness.»(3)
«- However, I say to you what is right, that it is good for you if I march; because if I do not march the comforter will not come to you; however, if I go I will send him to you.»(4)

(1) Al-Kitab Al-Muqaddas, Al-‘Ahd Al-Jadid (The Holy Bible, the New Testament), fourth edition, Beirut, Al-Maktaba Ash-Sharqiya (bookshop), 1986, p. 337, footnote 16.
(2) Al-‘Ahd Al-Jadid wa Al-Mazamir (The New Testament and the Pipes), publishing date unknown, Beirut, the Holy Book publishing house in the Middle East, 1985, Joan Bible, chapter 14, clause 16.
(3) Same previous source, chapter 15, clause 26.
(4) Same previous source, chapter 17, clause 7.


Those of Determination among the Messengers

 I wonder, considering that the previous statements are correct, does Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh) hold the secret of representing the comforter and amuser of Prophet Jesus (pbuh) by the fact that the divine government will be accomplished at the hand of his grandson Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA), supporting Prophet Jesus (pbuh), which reflects comfort towards Lord Jesus?





Those of Determination among the Messengers


The Main Stations of the Human Caravan
The First Linking the people to Allah via the human messenger
Its Leader The prophet of Allah, Noah (pbuh)
The Second Forming the monotheistic community
Its Leader The prophet of Allah, Abraham (pbuh)
The Third Forming the legislative community
Its Leader The prophet of Allah, Moses (pbuh)
The Fourth Raising the Divine Islamic Government
Its Religion The Muhammadan Islam
Its Leader The grandson of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh), Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA)
Its Leader’sDeputy The prophet of Allah, Jesus (pbuh)







Those Aware of the Human Caravan Course

 Those Aware of the Human Caravan Course

Allah the Exalted said, «And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers - those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth and the martyrs, with their Lord. For them is their reward and their light...»(1)
There are two eye-catching issues in this verse:
One: Describing those who believe in Allah and His messengers as men of truth and martyrs with their Lord although all Muslims believe In Allah and His messengers. Therefore, does this issue mean that all Muslims are men of truth and martyrs?
It is obvious that this issue is incorrect, especially when we focus on the meaning 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 57, verse 19.


Those Aware of the Human Caravan Course

 «supporter of truth,» which requires three descriptions:

1- A man’s report must accord with the reality.
2- A man must be certain of his speech.
3- A man’s deeds must follow his words. In other words, the truth applies to his words and deeds together, hence, he would do what he says and would say what he does.(1) Do all Muslims possess such quality?
Two: The previous verse narrates the required faith in Allah and His messengers, like the case of other several verses. Moreover, other Quranic verses described «Allah and His messenger» as the two pillars, the believing in whom is considered in order to achieve the Islamic identity. Here we present a number of these verses:
1-«Those who believe in Allah and His Messenger...»(2)
2- «The believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger...»(3)

(1) AT-TABA’TABA’EI, Muhammad Hussein, Al-Mizan Fi Tafsir al Quran (The Scales of Interpreting the Quran), fifth edition, Beirut, al A’lami (Printery), 1983, vol. 19, p. 163.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 24, verse 62.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 24, verse 62.



Those Aware of the Human Caravan Course

 3- «And whoever has not believed in Allah and His Messenger…»(1)

4- «So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet...»(2)
5- «O you who have believed, believe in Allah and His Messenger...»(3)
6- «O you who have believed, shall I guide you to a transaction that will save you from a painful punishment? [It is that] you believe in Allah and His Messenger...»(4)
Reflecting on His words «And those who have believed in Allah and His messengers - those are [in the ranks of] the supporters of truth…»(5) tell us that the description of the supporters of the truth refers to those who believe in the movement of the messengers that we mentioned earlier. Allah the exalted presented it as the movement of the human caravan. Therefore, one’s belief and attentiveness towards such movement is the issue that decorates the believers with the medal 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 48, verse 13.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 7, verse 158.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 4, verse 136.
(4) The holy Quran, chapter 61, verses 10-11.
(5) The holy Quran, chapter 57, verse 19.


Those Aware of the Human Caravan Course

 «men of truth.» One must understand that the meaning «men of truth» requires that the deeds of such believers harmonize with their faith and awareness. We will discuss this issue later.

First, let us read some interesting issues concerning part of those whom the holy Quran and the tradition of the Noblest Prophet (pbuh&hh) granted the medal of «a man/woman of truth».


Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

The holy Quran gave the description «supporter of truth» to lady Mary known as Maryam Bint Omran (pbut). Allah the Exalted said, «The Messiah, son of Mary, was not but a messenger; [other] messengers have passed on before him. And his mother was a supporter of truth.»(1)
Describing the sublime lady Maryam (pbuh) as a supporter of truth means, based on the previous discussion, that she was aware of the human caravan concerning its history and future, and that her deed harmonized with such awareness and faith.
The prominent issue in the act of Lady Maryam (pbuh) was in her great sacrifice when she miraculously conceived the prophet of Allah Jesus (pbuh) despite the sensitive repercussions that she witnessed such as tarnishing her 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 5, verse 75.


Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 Sainthood. However, the issue that comforted her was her concept, belief and awareness of the human caravan that will include her child the prophet as a deputy of Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA) in order to raise the universal divine government, which has forever been the aim of the prophets, messengers, trustees, and guardians throughout history.

I wonder, did her soul calm due to the inspiration of the angel Gabriel telling her that her child the Christ (pbuh) will play that great role in founding the universal divine government? This issue conforms to him being distinguished in this world such as in His words, «[And mention] when the angels said, «O Mary, indeed Allah gives you good tidings of a word from Him, whose name will be the Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary - distinguished in this world and the Hereafter and among those brought near [to Allah ].»(1)
I wonder, does the good tidings harmonize with the difficulty of the situation which Lady Maryam (pbuh) will face before her people who will ask her about her child while she is husbandless?
Alternatively, do the good tidings harmonize 

(41) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 45.


Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 with the foreseen future that her son will be notable in this world due to his contribution to the achievement of the divine government, hence, making him also notable in the afterworld?





Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 Woman of Truth in the Prophetic Tradition

The eye-catching issue in the reported tradition of the Noblest Prophet (pbuh&hh) was when he gave the term «supporter of truth» to his daughter, Lady Fatima (pbuh). The prophet (pbuh&hh) was quoted as saying, «Fatima is the greater woman of truth; upon her recognition the first centuries passed.»(1) This was an indication to her belief and awareness of the human caravan that will be crowned by the leadership of her grandson Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA) who will lead the universal divine government. Perhaps, her link to the role of her grandson in achieving the dream of the prophets and the trustees was one of the secrets of the first centuries, the secret of knowing her. The first centuries were tied to the outcome of the human caravan, the achievement of the glorious government. Had it not been for her, 

(1) Al-KAJOURI, Muhammad Baqir, Al-Khasa’es Al-Fatimiyyah (The Fatemite Particularities), first edition, publishing place unknown, Intisharat Ash-Sharif Ar-Radi, 1380 SH., vol. 1, p. 223.


Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 being the mother of the Imams (pbut) and for her role in preserving Islam, the aim of the creation would have not been accomplished regarding such government.

The interesting issue is the common factor of both lives of Lady Mariam (pbuh) and Lady Fatima (pbuh), Gabriel whispered to both of them. For example, Imam as-Sadiq (pbuh) was quoted as saying,(1) «Fatima lived after [the death of] the Prophet (pbuh&hh) seventy five days. She was extremely sad for her father. Gabriel (pbuh) would visit her, comfort her with kindness, bring solace to her soul, and bring her the news of her father and his whereabouts (in the afterlife). He would also inform her of what was going to happen to her progeny after her departure. Ali (pbuh) recorded them. This became the book of Fatima (pbuh).»(2)
The reason why the angel Gabriel would 

(1) Refer to: BARAKAT, Akram, Mushaf Fatima (The script of Fatima), sixth edition, Beirut, As-Sirah (publishing house), 2012, Ps. 68-71.
(2) AL-KULAINI, Muhammad Bin Ya’coub, al-Kafi (The Sufficient), vol. 1, p. 241. AS-SAFFAR, Muhammad, Bas’aer Ad-Darajat (Grades Insights), publishing edition unknown, Tehran, Al-A’lami (publishing house), 1404 AH, Ps. 154-503, speech 68. AL-MAJLISI, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar (Oceans of Light), corrected by Muhammad Mahdi Al-Khorasani, publishing edition unknown, Tehran, Dar Al-Kutub Al-Islamiyah (publishing house), 1396 AH, vol. 26, p. 41. IBN SHAHR ASHOUB, Muhammad, Al-Manaqib (The Merits), publishing edition unknown, Holy Najaf, Al-Maktaba Al-Haidariyah (Library), 1276 AH, p. 337 (reported briefly).


Woman of Truth in the Holy Quran

 descend to visit Lady Fatima (pbuh) in this report was to amuse and comfort her due to the death of her father, the greatest prophet (pbuh&hh). This brings us to the questions: Does this issue harmonize with amusement and comfort by telling her about the tragedy that was going to strike her children? By telling her about the martyrdom of her son Hassan (pbuh) by poisoning, of her son Hussein (pbuh) by slaughtering his neck from one side to the other, and the martyrdom of her grandsons associated with sufferance? 

Alternatively, does informing her that these sacrifices will be concluded by the advent of her grandchild Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA) to become the leader of the universal divine government, achieving with it the aim of Allah behind the creation of humanity? In conclusion, the issue that brought solace to the heart of Lady Zahraa (pbuh) was the words of Gabriel (pbuh) concerning the role of her grandchild in fulfilling the aim behind creation. This issue likens the issue that brought solace to the heart of Mariam (pbuh) when Gabriel (PBUH) told her about her son’s role in supporting Al-Mahdi (MAEHA) to achieve this purpose.


Men of Truth in Karbala

 Men of Truth in Karbala

In the month of Muharram in 61 A. H., the Umayyad’s plot that aimed at erasing the original Muhammadan Islam reached its peak. This issue urged Imam Hussein (pbuh) and his household and companions to rise up with a self-sacrificing revolution. Without this revolution, Islam would have vanished and consequently the aim behind the creation, which is the arrival of the human caravan to its aspired perfection, would have become nonexistent. 
The household of Imam Hussein (pbuh) coupled with his companions were distinguished by their high perception in understanding their role in preserving the course of humanity, aiming for perfection. They were described as «people of vision,»(1) the conscious elite of the nation. With 

(1) AL-MAJLISI, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar (Oceans of Light), vol. 45, p. 19. (Also, to understand the meaning of vision refer to: BARAKAT, Akram, How to Build a More Advanced Society, first edition, Beirut, Bayt As-Siraj (publishing house), 2013, Ps. 98-102.


Men of Truth in Karbala

 this categorization, they became supporters of truth who were aware of the divine scheme.

Later, Imam Al-Hussein (pbuh) told them of the divine reward awaiting them, that Allah the Exalted will bring them back to life at the time of such government in order to witness with their own eyes the actualization of the aim for which they sacrificed their lives. Imam Al-Hussein (pbuh) also told them of this reward the night before Muharram, as told by Imam Al-Baqir (pbuh) who was quoted saying that Imam Al-Hussein (pbuh) on that night said to them, «Rejoice with heavens; I swear in Allah that we are lingering for as long as Allah wills after the events strike us. Later, Allah will bring us back with you until our Qaem [The Guided One] emerges. Consequently, he will revenge from the tyrants and you and I shall see them in chains, cuffs, and all kinds of misery.» Then, he was asked: Who is your Qaem (The Guided One) son of the messenger of Allah? He said, «The seventh of the descendants of my son Muhammad Bin Ali, Al-Baqir (pbuh). He is the authority [of Allah] and the son of Al-Hassan Bin Ali - my son. He will disappear for a long time after which he emerges in order to fill the earth with justice and equity after it has been filled with 


Men of Truth in Karbala

 injustice and oppression.»(1)

The conversation was about the return that the holy Quran pointed out. Allah the Exalted said, «And (remind them of) the Day when We shall gather out of every nation a host of those who denied Our revelations, and they will be set in array.»(2) The holy verse speaks of a special gathering that differs from the gathering of Judgment Day. It is a general gathering which Allah the Exalted described in His words, «…and We gather them together so as to leave not one of them behind.»(3)
Regarding the return, several reports of the tradition have been counted by the notable scholar «Al-Majlisi». They reached almost two hundred open speeches, reported by more than forty people of the revered trustees and notable scholars, which were recorded in more than fifty of their books at the time.(4)
Perhaps, the secret behind the return of some 

(1) AT-TABARSI, Hussein, An-Najm Ath-Thaqib (The Piercing Star), first edition, Qum, Anwar Al-Huda (publishing house), 1415 AH, vol. 1, Ps. 511.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 27, verse 83.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 18, verse 47.
(4) AL-MAJLISI, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar (Oceans of Light), vol. 53, p. 121.


Men of Truth in Karbala

 loyal people was due to them being men of truth who were aware of the divine scheme. Such awareness may have necessitated that they sacrifice their lives for the way of Allah the Exalted in the path of such scheme. Consequently, Allah wished that they be rewarded by showing them with their own eyes the divine government, sending them back to life at the time of Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA).







The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

One’s awareness towards the divine measurement and the role of the Prophet and his household (pbut) in preserving the original Islam of Muhammad (PBUH&HH), and through which the greater divine government, the dream of the prophets, would establish, teaches us one of the secrets of the relationship of the prophets with prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HH) and with his household (pbut). They would beseech through them and cry for them, expressing their loving kindness and other similar issues. Why not when their role will achieve their utmost purpose relating to the means behind the creation. We will discover this issue in several reports of the tradition.


The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 1- The Prophets’ Attraction to the Noblest Messenger and his Household (PBUT)

The Prophet of Allah, Noah (pbuh)
The Noblest Prophet was quoted as saying:
«When Allah willed that the people of Noah be perished…. He [Noah (pbuh)] grabbed a nail, which shone in his hand and illuminated like the bright star in the sky. Noah (pbuh) became dazzled. Hence, Allah inspired the nail to speak freely and it said: I hold the name of the best of prophets, Muhammad Bin Abdullah (pbuh&hh). Next, Gabriel descended and he [Noah] asked him: O Gabriel, what is this nail which I saw nothing like it? He said: It holds the name of the lord of prophets, Muhammad Bin Abdullah (pbuh&hh). Nail it to the front of the ship on the right side. Next, he held a second nail with his hand and it also shone and illuminated. He [Noah] said: What is this nail? He said: this is the nail of his brother and cousin, the lord of the trustees, Ali Bin Abi Talib (pbuh). Nail it to the front of the ship on the left side. Next, he held a third nail with his hand and it also shone and illuminated. 


The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 Gabriel (pbuh) said: This is the nail of Fatima (pbuh), nail it next to the nail of her father. Next, he held a fourth nail with his hand and it also shone and illuminated. Gabriel (pbuh) said: This is the nail of Al-Hassan, nail it next to the nail of his father.

Next, he held a fifth nail with his hand and it illuminated displaying dew. Gabriel (pbuh) said: This is the nail of Al-Hussein (pbuh).»(1)
The Prophet of Allah, Abraham (PBUH)
In his conversation about the friend of Allah, Abraham (pbuh), following his affliction with the slaughtering of his son, Imam ar-Ridha (pbuh) was quoted as saying, «Hence, Allah the Exalted inspired him asking: O Abraham, who among my creatures is the dearest to you? He said: O Lord, among the creatures that you created none is dearest to me than your beloved Muhammad (pbuh&hh). Allah inspired him: Is he dearest to you or is it your soul? He said: He is dearer to me than my soul. He said: Is his child dearest to you or is it your child? He said: It is his child. He said: What aches your heart more, the wrong slaughtering of his child at the hand of his enemy or the slaughtering of your child at your own hand by my commandment? He said: O Lord, his slaughtering at 

(1) Al-BAHRANI, Abdullah, Al-Awalim, Al-Imam Al-Hussein (PBUH), Muhammad Baqir Al-Abtahi Al-Asfahani, first edition, Qum, Imam Mahdi School, 1407 AH, p. 105.


The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 the hands of his enemies aches my heart more. He said: O Abraham, one clan claims to be of the nation of Muhammad; it will kill Al-Hussein (pbuh), his child, after his death, out of wrongness and aggression, like the slaughtering of the sheep.

With this act they will earn my damnation. Abraham (pbuh) became regretful for this issue and his heart ached and started crying. Consequently, Allah the Exalted inspired him saying: O Abraham, I ransomed your regret for your son Ismail- almost slaughtered by your own hand- with your regret for Hussein and for his murder; and I necessitated that you earn the highest grades among the people of rewards for being patient with afflictions, which brings us to the words of Allah the Exalted, ‘Then We ransomed him with a tremendous victim.’(1)»(2)

The Prophet of Allah, Moses (PBUH)
Allah the Exalted said, «And when Moses asked for water for his people…»(3) Imam Al-Askari (pbuh) was quoted explaining the previous verse, «And remember O children of Israel, when Moses (pbuh) asked for 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 37, verse 107.
(2) AL-MAJLISI, Muhammad Baqir, Bihar al-Anwar (Oceans of Light), vol. 44, p. 226.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 60.


The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 water for his people, he asked water for them because they suffered thirstiness when they were astray. They cried to Moses (pbuh) saying: we are doomed by thirstiness.

Moses (pbuh) said: O Lord, I beseech Thee in the name of Muhammad (pbuh&hh) the lord of all prophets, in the name of Ali (pbuh) the lord of all Trustees, in the name of the lady of all women, in the name of Hassan (pbuh) the lord of all guardians, in the name of Hussein (pbuh) the lord of all martyrs, and in the name of their descendants and successors the lords of the innocent (of all sin), provide these slaves of Thine with water. Hence, Allah the Exalted inspired him: O Moses ‘Smite with thy staff the rock.’(1) So he smote it ‘And there gushed out therefrom twelve springs (so that) each tribe knew their drinking-place.’(2) Each tribe of its own father from the descendant fathers of Jacob knew its drinking place so that no one needs to vie with the other concerning their drinking.»(3)
The Prophet of Allah, Jesus (PBUH)
Sheikh Al-Saddouq (RIP) said, «One of the most wondrous issues is that our dissenters (in opinion) narrate that Jesus the son of Mary (pbuh) passed 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 60.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 60.
(3) The exegesis of Imam Al-Askari (PBUH), p. 261.


The Divine Scheme and its Relation to the Prophet and his Household (PBUT)

 by the land of Karbala where he saw several dears gathering. 

They approached him crying; and he sat and his disciples sat; and he cried and his disciples cried while they know not why he sat and why he cried. They said: O spirit of Allah and His word, what makes you cry? He (pbuh) said: ‘Do you recognize this land?’ They said: No. He (pbuh) said: ‘This is the land where the murder of the youngster of the messenger Ahmad (pbuh&hh) occurs, the youngster of the pure and righteous woman, the likeness of my mother, and he will be enshrouded within it. It is sweeter than the musk because it is the soil of the martyred youngster. This is how the soil of the prophets and the children of the prophets is. These deer address me saying that they graze in this land yearning after the soil of the blessed and martyred youngster (of the prophet).’ Next, he pointed with his hand to the fouling of these deer, smelled them and said: ‘O Lord, make it last forever until his father smells it as a form of condolence and comfort’.»(1)

(1) AS-SADDOUQ, Muhammad, Kamal Ad-Dean wa Tamam An-Ne’mah (Perfection of Religion and Completion of Grace), Ps. 531-532.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 Hindrances to the Glorious Government

Allah the Exalted explained the path that leads to Him through two terms, which are the straight path and the way of Allah.
The Straight Path
These are some of the Quranic verses that mentioned the straight path:
- «Show us the straight path…»(1)
- «Lo! Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path…»(2)
- «He who holdeth fast to Allah, he indeed is guided unto a right path…»(3)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 1, verse 7.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 51.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 101.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 - «This is the path of thy Lord, a straight path...»(1)

- «Say: Unto Allah belong the East and the West. He guideth whom He will unto a straight path...»(2)
- «But that ye worship Me? That was the right path...»(3)
- «And lo! Thou verily dost guide unto a right path…»(4)
The Way of Allah
These are some of the Quranic verses that mentioned the way of Allah:
- «Fight in the way of Allah…»(5)
- «The likeness of those who spend their wealth in Allah’s way...»(6)
- «And what though ye be slain in Allah’s way...»(7)
- «Whoso migrateth for the cause of Allah will find much refuge and abundance in the earth...»(8)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 6, verse 126.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 142.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 36, verse 61.
(4) The holy Quran, chapter 42, verse 52.
(5) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 190.
(6) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 261.
(7) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 157.
(8) The holy Quran, chapter 4, verse 100.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 - «Lo! Those who believed and left their homes and strove with their wealth and their lives for the cause of Allah...»(1)

- «…were driven forth from their homes and suffered damage for My cause...»(2)
- «Think not of those, who are slain in the way of Allah, as dead...»(3)
There is no doubt that the path of the divine government belongs to the straight path and the way of Allah the Exalted. Therefore, anyone who debars others causing them to go astray from the way and path of Allah represents an obstacle causing hindrance to the path of such divine government.
Consequently, when the holy Quran mentions those who debar from the way and path of Allah the Exalted, it presents them as an obstacle in the way of the divine glorious government.
Therefrom, we will mention the reports of the holy Quran regarding people in general and in particular those categorized as the ones who debar from the way or path of Allah.

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 8, verse 72.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 195.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 169.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 Those Who Debar from the Way of Allah

1- Satan
Allah the Exalted said, «He said: Now, because Thou hast sent me astray, verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy Right Path.»(1)
Allah the Exalted said, «…and Satan maketh their works fair seeming unto them, and debarreth them from the way (of Truth)...»(2)
Satan’s debarment from the way of Allah happens by influencing the images of the objects inside the minds of the people. He will exert all efforts in order to portray to them god’s disobedience as beautiful and His obedience as unbeautiful. This exactly means the fair seeming of the ugly deeds through which the servants of Allah are being misled from His way.
2- The Hypocrites
Allah the Exalted said, «When the hypocrites come unto thee (O Muhammad), they say: We bear witness that thou art indeed Allah’s messenger. And Allah knoweth that thou art indeed His messenger, 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 7, verse 16.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 27, verse 24.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 and Allah beareth witness that the hypocrites indeed are speaking falsely. They make their faith a pretext so that they may turn (men) from the way of Allah…»(1)


Their faith refers to people sworn with an oath, which they exploit as a protection like the shield. In other words, these hypocrites exploited their false faith with which they are sworn in order to protect themselves and veil their conspiracies. Hence, they do their best in order to turn the people away from the religion of Allah by twisting the issues and damaging the morale, which would obstruct the people from joining or embracing the religion of Allah the Exalted.(2)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 63, verses 1-2.
(2) AT-TABA’TABA’EI, Muhammad Hussein, al-Mizan Fi Tafsir al Quran, vol. 19, Ps. 193 and 279. MUGHNIYAH, Muhammad Jawad, At-Tafsir Al-Kashif (The Revealing Exegesis), second edition, Beirut, Dar Al-‘Elm Lil Malayeen (publishing house), 1987, vol. 7, p. 274.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 3- The Jews

Allah the Exalted said: «…We forbade them good things which were (before) made lawful unto them, and because of their much hindering from Allah’s way.»(1)
At the time of the Messenger (PBUH&HH)
The Jews tried to obstruct the people from answering the call of Allah’s messenger (pbuh&hh). For this purpose, they used different methods such as:
1- Presenting impracticable questions to the prophet (pbuh&hh). Allah the Exalted said, «The people of the Scripture ask of thee that thou shouldst cause an (actual) Book to descend upon them from heaven. They asked a greater thing of Moses aforetime, for they said: Show us Allah plainly. »(2)
2- Causing the simple people to question the religion of Islam. Allah the Exalted said, «O ye who believe! If ye obey a party of those who have received the Scripture they will make you disbelievers after your belief.»(3)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 4, verse 160.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 4, verse 153.
(3) The holy Quran, chapter 3, verse 100.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 3- Instigating the enemies of Islam against Muslims, helping them with all means such as espionage and other similar issues.

4- Raising seditions and plotting conspiracies, which resulted in:
I- The invasion of Bani Qainuqa’ (one of the three main Jewish tribes living in the 7th century in Medina).
II- The invasion of Bani Nadir (a Jewish tribe who lived in northern Arabia until the 7th century at the oasis of Medina).
III- The invasion of Bani Quraitha (a Jewish tribe who lived in northern Arabia until the 7th century at the oasis of Medina).
IV- The battle of Khaibar.
Add their role in the battle of the Trench (Khandaq).
5- Breaking the treaties and agreements that they made with the Prophet (pbuh&hh) in Medina. Allah the Exalted said, «Those of them with whom thou madest a treaty, and then at every opportunity they break their treaty, and they keep not duty (to Allah).»(1)

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 8, verse 56.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 6-Their attempt to assassinate Prophet Muhammad (pbuh&hh), one time by Banu Nadir,(1) other time by poisoning the Prophet (pbuh&hh) in Khaibar. For example, Al-Bauhaiqi reported quoting Ibn Shehab, «When Allah’s messenger (pbuh&hh) opened Khaibar and the people lived in security after the battle, Zeinab Bind Al-Harith, the wife of Salam Bin Mashkam and the niece of Marhab, sent to Safiya, the wife of Allah’s messenger (pbuh&hh), a goat as a gift.

And she had asked: which of the organs of the goat are mostly beloved to the messenger of Allah (pbuh&hh)? She was told: the arm. Therefore, she concentrated the poison inside it while poisoned the rest of the goat.»(2)
After the Time of the Prophet (PBUH&HH)
The Jews attempts in debarring from the way of Allah the Exalted, especially issues relating to the Islamic governance, did not solely happen during the lifetime of the Prophet (pbuh&hh).

(1) MURTADA, Ja’far, As-Sahih min Sirat An-Nabi Al-A’tham (The Correction from the Biography of Greatest Prophet (PBUH&HH)), fourth edition, Beirut, Dar Al-Hadi (publishing house), 1415 AH, vol. 8, Ps. 40-50.
(2) Same previous source, Ps. 147-154.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 Instead, these attempts continued after his death. We shall briefly present some examples concerning the prominent role of the Jewish Rabbi (famed for Ka’b Al-Ahbar) who lived in Yemen, where Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufyan lived at the time.

The eye-catching issue is that Ka’b Al-Ahbar had announced his embracement of Islam in 17 A. H., right after the Levant was invaded and Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufyan was appointed its ruler.(1) Another attracting issue in the history of Ka’b Al-Ahbar was the extent of the wide arena that was opened for him in several Islamic countries.
For instance, in Medina, the «second Calipha» allowed that he narrates the stories inside the blessed mosque of the prophet. Besides, in the Levant, Muawiyah exaggerated in propagating his name. Therefore, he would say: Ka’b Al-Ahbar is one of the scholars; although he possesses 

(1) Other reports differed, however, the most famous report was that he announced his Islam during the reign of Omar Bin Al-Khattab (Refer to: Al-‘AINI, Umdat Al-Qarei, publishing edition unknown, Beirut, Dar Ehyaa At-Turath Al-Arabi (publishing house), publishing date unknown,, vol. 25, p. 74.).


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 knowledge that equals the fruits,(1) still we are wasteful.»(2)

Muawiyah went far when he rejected the testimony of Abdullah Ibn Abbass concerning the recitation of a number of the verses of the holy Quran, whereas corresponded with Ka’b asking his opinion.»(3)
At the time of Ka’b Al-Ahbar, the stories, known as the Israeli reports, widely circulated.(4)
Anyone who conducts a search in the history of Muslims will realize that the Jews played a prominent role in debarring the people from the way of Allah using different tactics.
We can read this issue clearly in «The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.»
These protocols clearly include issues that express these tactics such as the following scripts:

(1) In the Arabic scripts: some accounts reported reading, «that equaled the oceans» [Refer to: Al-‘AINI, Umdat Al-Qarei, vol. 25, p. 74.].
(2) IBN SA’D, At-Tabaqat Al-Kubra (The Greater Layers), publishing edition unknown, Beirut, Dar As-Sadir (publishing house), publishing date unknown, vol. 2, p. 358.
(3) At-TAEI, Najah, Nathariyat Al-Khalifatain (The Two Caliphas’ Theories), publishing edition unknown, publishing place unknown, published unknown, publishing date unknown, vol. 2, p. 324.
(4) Same previous source, p. 319.


Hindrances to the Glorious Government

 - «In order to keep the populace misled without knowing what is behind or in front of them, or what is going to happen to them, we shall increasingly work on taking their attentions away by creating methods of fun, amusement, and funny games as well as all kinds of sport and entertainment, plus that which nourishes their lusts and pleasures…and building numerously beautiful mansions and ornamented buildings. Next, we will make the newspapers call for athletic competitions of art, calling each sex. Consequently, their minds will be drawn towards these issues and become absent from that which we prepared, and we shall take them where we desire.»(1)

- «All non-Jewish families must be destroyed.»(2)
- «We must help increase the flaws of the populace, the corruption of its traditions and desires, leading to dispute between parties, division among all extraneous forces uniting against us, and demoralization; consequently, we will harvest the reasons behind overcoming millions of men amongst whom we spread the spirit of division.»(3)

(1) NWAIHID, Ajaj, «The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.», publishing edition unknown, Damascus, Tlas, 1989, vol. 1, p. 241.
(2) Universal Judaism, p. 106.
(3) Same previous source


Other Obstacles

 Other Obstacles

The obstacles against the path of the greater divine government do not solely involve the hypocrites and Jews. Instead, it involves anyone whose work aims at distorting Islam and driving the people away from it as well as weakening the faith of the believers in it, etc... One example of these people are the bloody Takfiris who distort and continue to distort the image of Islam by decapitating the heads, barbecuing them with fire, eating human raw livers, digging graves, and other horrific practices that the modern world rarely witnessed. One cannot hide the extent of the effectiveness of this issue, distorting Islam and driving the people away from it.


Other Obstacles

 The Significance of Understanding the Divine Scheme and its Obstacles


The understanding of the divine scheme of the path of the human caravan bears several benefits such as:
1- One’s reading of the movement of both history and future of humanity in the correct and methodological manner. Consequently, the awareness of the reader of the holy Quran and the noble tradition as well as the events of the past, present, and future, makes a difference. The difference exists in the correlation of all the events using a sequenced and consistent methodology and in reading these events in a separate form without finding any similarities.
2- Understanding such scheme with the path and its outcomes result in awareness concerning the required role in light of such reading. I will elaborate on this benefit from an eye-


Other Obstacles

 catching incident that took place with some of the Islamic leaders in Lebanon as they met the religious authority, ayatollah Al-Uthma Al-Araki, who aged more than a hundred years.


After introducing themselves, the authority initiated saying to them, «Allah bestowed his blessing upon you with a grace that you do not recognize.» Hence, they looked at each other amazed by his words and wondering about the aim of such grace. The religious authority was not long in explaining his point to them saying, «Allah the Exalted brought you hundreds of years ago in order to reside in Lebanon. Next, he brought hundreds of years ago your enemies the Zionist Jews in order to occupy Palestine, after which you gained the honor of fighting the worst enemies of Allah the Exalted.»
This was a speech about the grace of a special geographic environment with which the combatants of the Islamic resistance excelled plus the great role that Allah the Exalted granted to this resistance with its supporters, eliminating a basic obstacle from the way of the project of establishing the greater divine government. This case applies to the struggle against the other obstacles that debar from the way of Allah, such as the bloodthirsty Takfiri forces, which we mentioned earlier.


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 3- Understanding the divine scheme and harmonizing with the required role should basically explain to the individual the greater value of his work within the circle of such role regardless of his assignment. For instance, Allah the Exalted made the secret of creating life and death in the best of conduct. Allah the Exalted said, «Who hath created life and death that He may try you which of you is best in conduct…»(1)


The best of conduct is the work that achieves three particularities:
1- It must depend on the sound tenet.
Allah the Exalted said, «…Unto Him good words ascend, and the pious deed doth He exalt…»(2) (3)
2- It must be launched from pure intention towards Allah the Exalted.
The noblest prophet (pbuh&hh) was quoted as saying, «Actions will be judged according to the intentions (behind them) and everyone will be repaid according to what he had intended. Therefore, anyone whose immigration was only towards Allah and His 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 67, verse 2.
(2) The holy Quran, chapter 35, verse 10.
(3) AT-TABA’TABA’EI, Muhammad Hussein, al-Mizan Fi Tafsir al Quran, vol. 2, p. 37.


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 messenger then his immigration will be only towards Allah the His messenger. Anyone whose immigration was towards a living that he seeks or a woman whom he wishes to marry his immigration will be towards that for which he migrated.»(1)

3- It must end in the best achievable position; as it is understood from the religious scripts, such position can be achieved by serving the public.
Imam Khomeini (RIP) said, «I do not know a deed that is better in the sight of Allah than serving the people.»
One report of the Noblest Prophet (pbuh&hh) supports this issue. It reads, «All creatures are the dependents of Allah. The most beloved of them to Allah the Exalted is he who is mostly beneficial to his family (his dependents).»(2)
The wider a public service becomes the more a value of a human work exalts. For instance, when Allah the Exalted wished that His friend 

(1) AL-BRUJARDI, Hussein, Jame’ Ahadith as-Shi’a (The Volume of the Shi’a Accounts), publishing edition unknown, Qum, publisher unknown, 1409 A.H., vol. 1, p. 359.
(2) Al-HOR Al-‘Amily, Muhammad Hassan, Wasa’el ash-Shi’a (The Means of the Shiites), investigated and published by Mo’assasat Aal Albayt (Publishing House), second edition, Qum, 1414 AH, vol. 16, p. 345.


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 Abraham (pbuh) be rewarded after passing the great trials, the rewards was in his imamate, the divine leadership of the people, which represents the higher position of the complete circle of service that occupies all people. Allah the Exalted said, «And (remember) when his Lord tried Abraham with (His) commands, and he fulfilled them, He said: Lo! I have appointed thee a leader for mankind. (Abraham) said: And of my offspring (will there be leaders)? He said: My covenant includeth not wrong-doers.»(1)

Based on the previous discussion, the factor required for establishing the greater divine government by seeking the elimination of the obstacles from its path is the factor of the wider circle. Hence, the work comes as a part of the best deeds.
4- Recognizing the divine scheme and path of the human caravan which Allah the Exalted wished to be achieved with the peoples’ own volition as well as identifying the role required in light of such scheme plus giving attention to the greatness of the work in light of such role, all these issues require persistence and 

(1) The holy Quran, chapter 2, verse 124.


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 seriousness concerning two basic matters:

One: Seeking the elimination of the obstacles as mentioned previously.

Two: Presenting the beaming pattern that attracts the people in order to walk the path where the individual can achieve his perfection as well as the perfection of the human caravan, making them pavers helping with the foundation of the government of Allah in His earth under the commandment of the divine authority of our time, Imam Al-Mahdi (MAEHA).
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds.

The Human Caravan